Please find below the complete code and modify it as per your need.
Once the .ics file is generated, you can open it in Outlook and Save it.
Technical Posts, Ready to Use Scripts, Code sharing
Please find below the complete code and modify it as per your need.
Once the .ics file is generated, you can open it in Outlook and Save it.
If you want to replace a string in a given string.
SELECT name, REPLACE(name, 'Demo', 'Test') AS `replaced_string` FROM `table_names`;
If you want to get the first word in a given string.
If you want to get the count of words in a string.
SELECT name, (LENGTH(name) - LENGTH(REPLACE(name, ' ', '')) + 1) AS word_count FROM `table_names`;
KAFKA is an open source developed by LinkedIn for data pipelining, data streaming, data processing, and data transferring with maximum throughput. It's managed by Apache.
We use Kafka on the AWS environment under Python and PHP technologies to manage a high volume of data to load in a fraction of a second.
Kafka helps in real-time data streaming, connecting to any sources like AWS S3, can be auto-scale and optimize data streams. Many big giants using Kafka.
We sometimes face this error when new install Laravel and run composer udpate
Type error: Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\\Routing\\Middleware\\ThrottleRequests::addHeaders()
must be an instance of Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Response, null given
For me, the issue is resolved by correcting database credentials in the .env file. Hope the same will work for
you as well.
I am sharing my PHP code to get difference between two dates.
$workingDays = 0;
$startTimestamp = strtotime('2021-06-03');$endTimestamp = strtotime('2022-07-09');for ($i = $startTimestamp; $i <= $endTimestamp; $i = $i + (60 * 60 * 24)) {if (date("N", $i) <= 5) $workingDays = $workingDays + 1;}echo "no. of days: " . $workingDays;
Save code in nofdays.php.
Run program in terminal. Output will be:
$ php nofdays.phpRecently worked on creating a .ics file in PHP after a very long time, code so thought to share with everybody. Please find below the comple...