Showing posts with label mailchimp iintegration php. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mailchimp iintegration php. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Mailchimp Integration CodeIgniter

Codeigniter MailChimp API v2 Wrapper

I am sharing my Codeigniter Code regarding Mailchimp integration. May this small code can be helpful for someone.

Reference -


if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Welcome extends CI_Controller {

     * Index Page for this controller.
     * Maps to the following URL
     *    - or - 
     *    - or -
     * Since this controller is set as the default controller in
     * config/routes.php, it's displayed at
     * So any other public methods not prefixed with an underscore will
     * map to /index.php/welcome/<method_name>
     * @see

    public function __construct() {

    public function index()
        $list_id = '';
        $lists = $this->mailchimp_library->call('lists/list');
        if(isset($lists["data"][0])) {
            $list_id = $lists["data"][0]["id"];
        if(!empty($list_id)) {
            $result = $this->mailchimp_library->call('lists/subscribe', array(
                'id'                => $list_id,
                'email'             => array('email'=>''),
                'merge_vars'        => array('FNAME'=>'Sourabh', 'LNAME'=>'Gupta'),
                'double_optin'      => false,
                'update_existing'   => true,
                'replace_interests' => false,
                'send_welcome'      => false,

/* End of file welcome.php */
/* Location: ./application/controllers/welcome.php */

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Recently worked on creating a .ics file in PHP after a very long time, code so thought to share with everybody. Please find below the comple...