Showing posts with label nodejs code. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nodejs code. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 December 2019

GIT Pull Using Nodejs

GIT Pull Using Nodejs

I am sharing my code to take GIT pull through NodeJS. May be this small code can help someone.

// create config module
var config = {};
to_dir_client = "path to folder...";
client_git_repo = "Bitbucket URL... ";

// export config object as a node module
export default config;

--- install git repo js file
// include modules
import config, { to_dir_client, client_git_repo } from './config';
import gitP from 'simple-git/promise';

// install repo
const git_client = gitP(to_dir_client);
   .then(isRepo => !isRepo && initialiseClientRepo(git_client))
   .then(() => git_client.pull('origin', 'master'));

// function to add origin
function initialiseClientRepo (git) {
   return git.init()
      .then(() => git.addRemote('origin', client_git_repo))

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