Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Improve MySQL Query Performance Tips

Improve MySQL Query Performance Tips

I am sharing some of my understanding on how to improve any MySQL Query performance, as per me below points makes the queries faster. May these points helpful for someone.

  1. Make index of columns used in where clause but not many columns, only higher priority columns.
  2. Always make joins on int columns.
  3. Use subquery or IN statement in place of joins.
  4. Don't select * from [table], always provide specific select columns in a query.
  5. Use Group By in place of DISTINCT.
  6. Use UTF-8 general collation for tables and columns.
  7. Some INNODB Engine tables configurations are helpful at server level. Below link can be helpful:
               MySQL Performance Tips

Get Random Values From Array IN PHP

Get Random Values From Array IN PHP

I am sharing my example code to get random values from PHP array. May this small code can be helpful for someone.


// array
$arr_subjects = array('Science', 'Maths', 'GK', 'Law', 'History', 'Arts', 'Chemistry',
    'Computers', 'Bio', 'Music');
// random number
$c = rand(1, 6);
//shuffle array elements

//print random values in an array
print_r(array_slice($arr_subjects, $c, $c));
// prints $c'th elements from $c'th position in an array

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

OAuth1.0a node.js signature and utc timestamp

Got chance to work on OAuth1.0a creating signature with nonce and timestamp.

OAuth-1.0a.js file for correct signature creation and timestamp should be in UTC. Sharing my code.

if (typeof (module!== 'undefined' && typeof (exports!== 'undefined'{
    module.exports = OAuth;
    var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");

 * Constructor
 * @param {Object} opts consumer key and secret
function OAuth(opts) {
    if (!(this instanceof OAuth)) {
        return new OAuth(opts);

    if (!opts{
        opts = {};

    if (!opts.consumer{
        throw new Error('consumer option is required');

    this.consumer = opts.consumer;
    this.signature_method = opts.signature_method || 'HMAC-SHA1';
    this.nonce_length = opts.nonce_length || 32;
    this.version = opts.version || '1.0';
    this.parameter_seperator = opts.parameter_seperator || '';

    if (typeof opts.last_ampersand === 'undefined'{
        this.last_ampersand = true;
    } else {
        this.last_ampersand = opts.last_ampersand;

    switch (this.signature_method{
        case 'HMAC-SHA1':
            this.hash = function (base_string, key) {
                return CryptoJS.HmacSHA1(base_string, key).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);

        case 'HMAC-SHA256':
            this.hash = function (base_string, key) {
                return CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(base_string, key).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);

        case 'PLAINTEXT':
            this.hash = function (base_string, key) {
                return key;

        case 'RSA-SHA1':
            throw new Error('oauth-1.0a does not support this signature method right now. Coming Soon...');
            throw new Error('The OAuth 1.0a protocol defines three signature methods: HMAC-SHA1, RSA-SHA1, and PLAINTEXT only');

 * OAuth request authorize
 * @param  {Object} request data
 * {
 *     method,
 *     url,
 *     data
 * }
 * @param  {Object} public and secret token
 * @return {Object} OAuth Authorized data
OAuth.prototype.authorize = function (request, token) {
    var oauth_data = {
        oauth_callback: 'about:blank', //    added by sourabh
        oauth_consumer_key: this.consumer.public,
        oauth_nonce: this.getNonce(),
        oauth_signature_method: this.signature_method,
        oauth_timestamp: this.getTimeStamp(),
        oauth_version: this.version

    if (!token{
        token = {};

    if (token.public{
        //oauth_data.oauth_token = token.public;    //    commented by sourabh

    if (!request.data{
        request.data = {};

    oauth_data.oauth_signature = this.getSignature(request, token.secret, oauth_data);

    return oauth_data;

 * Create a OAuth Signature
 * @param  {Object} request data
 * @param  {Object} token_secret public and secret token
 * @param  {Object} oauth_data   OAuth data
 * @return {String} Signature
OAuth.prototype.getSignature = function (request, token_secret, oauth_data) {
    return this.hash(this.getBaseString(request, oauth_data), this.getSigningKey(token_secret));

 * Base String = Method + Base Url + ParameterString
 * @param  {Object} request data
 * @param  {Object} OAuth data
 * @return {String} Base String
OAuth.prototype.getBaseString = function (request, oauth_data) {
    return request.method.toUpperCase() + '&' + this.percentEncode(this.getBaseUrl(request.url)) + '&' + this.percentEncode(this.getParameterString(request, oauth_data));

 * Get data from url
 * -> merge with oauth data
 * -> percent encode key & value
 * -> sort
 * @param  {Object} request data
 * @param  {Object} OAuth data
 * @return {Object} Parameter string data
OAuth.prototype.getParameterString = function (request, oauth_data) {
    var base_string_data = this.sortObject(this.percentEncodeData(this.mergeObject(oauth_data, this.mergeObject(request.data, this.deParamUrl(request.url)))));

    var data_str = '';

    //base_string_data to string
    for (var key in base_string_data{
        data_str += key + '=' + base_string_data[key+ '&';

    //remove the last character
    data_str = data_str.substr(0, data_str.length - 1);
    return data_str;

 * Create a Signing Key
 * @param  {String} token_secret Secret Token
 * @return {String} Signing Key
OAuth.prototype.getSigningKey = function (token_secret) {
    token_secret = token_secret || '';

    if (!this.last_ampersand && !token_secret{
        return this.percentEncode(this.consumer.secret);
    // commented by Sourabh
    //return this.percentEncode(this.consumer.secret) + '&' + this.percentEncode(token_secret);
    return this.percentEncode(this.consumer.secret+ '&';

 * Get base url
 * @param  {String} url
 * @return {String}
OAuth.prototype.getBaseUrl = function (url) {
    return url.split('?')[0];

 * Get data from String
 * @param  {String} string
 * @return {Object}
OAuth.prototype.deParam = function (string) {
    var arr = decodeURIComponent(string).split('&');
    var data = {};

    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++{
        var item = arr[i].split('=');
        data[item[0]] = item[1];
    return data;

 * Get data from url
 * @param  {String} url
 * @return {Object}
OAuth.prototype.deParamUrl = function (url) {
    var tmp = url.split('?');

    if (tmp.length === 1)
        return {};

    return this.deParam(tmp[1]);

 * Percent Encode
 * @param  {String} str
 * @return {String} percent encoded string
OAuth.prototype.percentEncode = function (str) {
    return encodeURIComponent(str)
        .replace(/\!/g, "%21")
        .replace(/\*/g, "%2A")
        .replace(/\'/g, "%27")
        .replace(/\(/g, "%28")
        .replace(/\)/g, "%29");

 * Percent Encode Object
 * @param  {Object} data
 * @return {Object} percent encoded data
OAuth.prototype.percentEncodeData = function (data) {
    var result = {};

    for (var key in data{
        result[this.percentEncode(key)] = this.percentEncode(data[key]);

    return result;

 * Get OAuth data as Header
 * @param  {Object} oauth_data
 * @return {String} Header data key - value
OAuth.prototype.toHeader = function (oauth_data) {
    oauth_data = this.sortObject(oauth_data);

    var header_value = 'OAuth ';

    for (var key in oauth_data{
        if (key.indexOf('oauth_'=== -1)
        header_value += this.percentEncode(key+ '="' + this.percentEncode(oauth_data[key]) + '"' + this.parameter_seperator;

    return {
        Authorization: header_value.substr(0, header_value.length - this.parameter_seperator.length//cut the last chars

 * Create a random word characters string with input length
 * @return {String} a random word characters string
OAuth.prototype.getNonce = function () {
    var word_characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
    var result = '';

    for (var i = 0; i < this.nonce_length; i++{
        result += word_characters[parseInt(Math.random() * word_characters.length, 10)];

    return result;

 * Get Current Unix TimeStamp
 * @return {Int} current unix timestamp
OAuth.prototype.getTimeStamp = function () {
    //return parseInt(new Date().getTime()/1000, 10);
    // changed by sourabh
    var now = new Date;
    return utc_timestamp = Date.UTC(now.getUTCFullYear(), now.getUTCMonth(), now.getUTCDate(),
        now.getUTCHours(), now.getUTCMinutes(), now.getUTCSeconds(), now.getUTCMilliseconds());

////////////////////// HELPER FUNCTIONS //////////////////////

 * Merge object
 * @param  {Object} obj1
 * @param  {Object} obj2
 * @return {Object}
OAuth.prototype.mergeObject = function (obj1, obj2) {
    var merged_obj = obj1;
    for (var key in obj2{
        merged_obj[key= obj2[key];
    return merged_obj;

 * Sort object by key
 * @param  {Object} data
 * @return {Object} sorted object
OAuth.prototype.sortObject = function (data) {
    var keys = Object.keys(data);
    var result = {};


    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++{
        var key = keys[i];
        result[key= data[key];

    return result;

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Parse YouTube Time Code PHP

Parse YouTube Time Code PHP

I am sharing my PHP code to parse YouTube time.


function covtime($youtube_time)
    $start = new DateTime('@0'); // Unix epoch
    $start->add(new DateInterval($youtube_time));
    return $start->format('g:i:s');
echo date("H:i:s");
echo "<br>";
echo covtime('PT2H34M25S'); // => 2:34:25
echo "<br>";
echo date("H:i:s");
echo "<br>";
preg_match_all('/(\d+)/', "PT2H34M25S", $parts);
echo "<br>";
echo date("H:i:s");
echo "<pre>";


Common GIT Commands for New Developers

Common GIT Commands for New Developers

GIT commands

I am sharing my knowledge about some common GIT commands which may helpful for someone.

* initialize git instance
git init 

*  add origin
git remote add origin [GIT-URL]

*by default branch 

* pull direct from url
git pull url master

* create new branch branch1
git checkout -b branch1

* push new branch to origin
git push -u origin branch1

* see current branches
git branch

* see all branches
git branch -a

* reset code to previous pull
git reset --hard

* reset code to specific commit hash
git reset --hard [COMMIT-HASH]

* fetch all branches
git fetch --all

My suggestions to new developers, make habit using GIT GUI to push any code on the repository instead of directly using command line commands. If you very expert of GIT commands then only use command line otherwise you may any such code which can break production environment and put you in trouble.

For more information on GIT branches check GIT Website.

Create .ICS file using PHP code

Recently worked on creating a .ics file in PHP after a very long time, code so thought to share with everybody. Please find below the comple...