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I am sharing my PHP code to get difference between two dates.
$workingDays = 0;
$startTimestamp = strtotime('2021-06-03');$endTimestamp = strtotime('2022-07-09');for ($i = $startTimestamp; $i <= $endTimestamp; $i = $i + (60 * 60 * 24)) {if (date("N", $i) <= 5) $workingDays = $workingDays + 1;}echo "no. of days: " . $workingDays;
Save code in nofdays.php.
Run program in terminal. Output will be:
$ php nofdays.phpFirst we load any PDF. Then user click Add signature button. User can upload signature file as well. Once user draw or upload his signature, it will show in drag area on right side. User can drag that signature anywhere on the PDF file. Once user click Acceptance checkbox, as most of the sites ask for acceptance of policy or any agreement. Submit button becomes available. User can save signature file, email that or upload on server, developer has to write that script as per his requirements.
I am sharing my script to generate PDF file from HTML file in Python using PDFKit module.
Install Python PDF-Kit
$ pip install pdfkit
import pdfkit pdfkit.from_url('http://testpage.com', 'out.pdf') pdfkit.from_file('test.html', 'out.pdf') pdfkit.from_string('Hello!', 'out.pdf')
import os
import sysfrom flask import Flask,requestimport pdfkitfrom flask import make_responseimport logging.configapp = Flask(__name__)from decouple import config# Logger and handlersLOGGING = {'version': 1,'disable_existing_loggers': False,'formatters': {'console': {'format': '%(levelname)-1s: %(asctime)s [%(name)-12s.%(funcName)s.%(lineno)s] %(message)s',},'file': {'format': '%(levelname)-1s: %(asctime)s [%(name)-12s.%(funcName)s.%(lineno)s] %(message)s',},},'handlers': {'console': {'level': "DEBUG",'class': 'logging.StreamHandler','formatter': 'console','stream': sys.stdout},'file': {'level': "DEBUG",'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler','formatter': 'file','filename': 'htmltopdf.log',},},'loggers': {'': {'handlers': ['file'],'level': "DEBUG",'propagate': True},}}logging.config.dictConfig(LOGGING)LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)@app.route("/")# Function for html to pdf convertordef function_html_to_pdf_convertor():try:logging.debug("calling func")html_file = request.args.get('f', default="", type=str)if html_file:html_file = '{}{}'.format(html_file,'.html')filepath = os.path.join(app.static_folder, html_file)filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0]css = "static/style.css"options = {'page-size': 'Letter','encoding': "UTF-8",'zoom': 1.80,'footer-center': 'Page [page]/[topage]','footer-font-size': 8}if os.path.isfile(filepath):#pdf = pdfkit.from_file(filepath, css=css)pdf = pdfkit.from_file(filepath, False,options=options, css=css)response = make_response(pdf)response.headers.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename + '.pdf')response.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')return responseelse:logging.debug("File not found")return {"status": 404,"message": 'File not found'}logging.debug("'Please provide file'")return{"status": 400,"message": 'Please provide file'}except Exception as e:logging.debug("Bad request {}".format(e))return {"status": 400,"error": '{}'.format(e)}# main functionif __name__ == "__main__":app.run()
AWS SSO Cognito OAuth2.0 implementation as per below URL:
First we need to create code, get Client ID and Client Secret. Run below URL:
Above URL will return to redirect url with code in query string.
Note: Code is valid for one time transaction only.
Get Access Token using the Code as per below description:
Make below request:
this will return below response:
From above response we need to use id_token to get user information:
I am sharing my Python code to create simple REST API. I have used Python's lightweight framework Flask is used to create simple REST API. Flask Restful is an extension of Flask. This code may helpful for some beginner Python developer.
Recently worked on creating a .ics file in PHP after a very long time, code so thought to share with everybody. Please find below the comple...